March 31, 2012

May Allah Bless You, Ayah....

Ayah, the different space has separated us. It's so sudden and I was so shocked when I was notified that you'd passed away. I knew that the complications of deseas had hit you for a long time and I was aware of your pain and how strong you were to survive and enjoy your life until the best decision was made by God for you. Ayah, nothing need to be regretted though feeling of loss many times come to me. I will remember all the best things that you gave me. I know that your physical presence is impossible but the spirit and perceverance that you'd built in me will remain. I thank to God that He let me to meet your corpse and accompany you on the day of your funeral. Though I stay away from you for a long time due to my study and my work, my attempt to come was the proof that you are always in my heart. Ayah, I love you so much. Thank you for the beautiful memories that we'd made as long as your presence in nurturing and educating me. You were the one who always motivated me and believed that I could do the best for our family. I remembered when you advised me, you lought at me, you loved me, and you put your hope on me. As a child, I apologize for every bad attitude or behaviour which hurt you. I also apologize for having no time to take care you, especially when you were in a hospital care and for my inability to present a lot of happiness for you, especially in your old age. I will always pray for all the best for you there and may Allah bless you. Amin. Good bye Ayah. Best regards from my baby, your grandchild.

January 07, 2012

a letter of love to our first child - Chakierra Farzana Siregar (Kierra)

Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.,
Dear Our Lovely Baby,

Baby, today is your birthday, the day of our happiness, your mom and your dad. By the time you're in your mom's belly for about 40 weeks, we always prayed for you every day, whispered all the best things and did the best we could. Now, we should be more grateful. Alhamdulillah, you are truly here with us. Our prayers have been answered. You are really an amazing and beautiful grace of our lifetime. We are very happy and really touched to be your parents. That's why, we write this first letter, a letter of love for you baby, expressing our deep grattitude at your presence. Baby, you're born as our little girl with a weight of 3.3 kg and 50 cm length by caesarean section, another wonderful story that we could tell you later. May Allah always keeps you in a good health and blessed.

Here, we also would like to introduce your name, Chakierra Farzana Siregar (Kierra). First name, Chakierra's origin is old English. Leaving your mom with a beautiful little blessing in her 12 weeks pregnant on duty to London, UK, inspired your dad for this part. People say that the first 12 weeks (3 months) is the most critical time of the pregnancy. Chakierra means "wise". Then, your dad and your mom also decided that "Chakierra" is another name for "Shakira" (gratefully), it's origin is Arabic. Second name, Farzana's origin is Arabic - French. Your mom was very fond of this part, it sounds beautiful, she said. Farzana means "intelligent". And the last name, Siregar, of course our familiy's name, means as far as you go, you could still back home, to our beloved and blessed home. We do hope that, insya Allah, you could grow up to be a sholehah, intelligent, and wise woman, especially in keeping the faith on the right path, struggling and maintaining the truth, facing challenges and problems in life as well as developing science and knowledge.

Baby Kierra, your mom's name is Alien Nur Intan, your dad's name is Binsan Siregar and your name is Chakierra Farzana Siregar. From day to day, you will find that we are imperfect parents. We hope that your presence would changes our lives for the better. As a mandate from God, we will do our best to take care you and be always at your side to understand the meaning of life. Allah, our God, provides Islam as the way of life. He is The Almighty. May Allah, shows us the right path in nurturing and educating you. We love you so much baby Kierra.

with love always,
ayah & bunda
Assyifa Hospital - Karawaci, Tangerang
January 5, 2012
Shafar 11, 1433